My Story
I am Vincent Martínez-Grieco (formerly known as Vinn Arjuna Martí), dancer, teacher and designer of Soul Motion Next Steps.
After teaching for 4 decades, I still get excited about the next class I’m teaching.
Over the years I’ve been Influenced by modern dancing and ballet, improvisational and performance scenarios, yogic spiritual practices, 5 Rhythm (ecstatic dance), and aerobics (thank you Jane Fonda for rescuing my dancing teaching life in the 90's). My background continues to rotate to the forefront of my present curriculum.
In the beginning of the 21st Century, I designed Soul Motion®, a conscious dance practice. Soul Motion is taught throughout the USA, Europe, Latin America, and Australia.
I've dedicated my life to dancing and wish to dance with you all ways, alone together.
I have been dancing, listening, and responding to sounds as music from early childhood. It has been beneficial for me to include this sounding of ancient views beyond any recorded disks and to practice listening to my surroundings.
What are the Next Steps?
"Experience is the Ground, Awareness is the Path, Expression is the Fruit" ~ Chogyam Rinpoche
Next Steps dancing owes much to this well-made point. Creative expression in dancing is the fruit of a diligence of attending to the grounding experiences of our body/mind and a devotion to the paths of the fullest spectrum of awareness.
Contemplative dancing is an activity that awakens the senses to all that moves within the dance rooms, inside and out, and to all the elements in play.
This dancing focuses on process and experience - your process and experience - not on some outside standard of perfection.
This dancing practice is an iterative experience that concentrates on the freedom and variety inevitable in repetition.
Not only does the body physically dance, but you will become attuned to the dances of the heart, of intuition, of service, of friendliness to self and others, and to freedom and fulfillment.
Would you like to dance some steps, some Next Steps?
What is Soul Motion?
When you visit a Soul Motion class, you are escorted through four relational landscapes
while playing in a field of three core movement platforms.
The Four Relational Landscapes
Dance Intimate: the dance alone
Dancing alone, we discover our relationship with our body as a shifting shape in space.
Dance Communion: the dance with one other
Inspired by interior impulses, sensations, and images, the dancer joins with another in a field of common exploration.
Dance Community: the dance with everyone
Here we begin to move in ever widening circles receiving and releasing the dance within a wider view of all those present
Dance Infinite: the dance in everyday life
What happens in the dance room is a template for the living world. We move out from the dance room more aligned and embodied with an enhanced perception of the everyday dance.
The Three Core Activity Platforms
Pause Presence
A go-to place in the dance that opens the dancer to the benefits of active stillness and a relaxed view of the witness.
Orbit Orientation
The dancer is realigned with the natural movement of spiral and circle both within and outwardly.
Echo Inspiration
The dancer is ushered into the creative field of inspiration being received and released.
Let’s Dance
Join me for live, in-person or online classes that fit your schedule.